MYLF introduces a brand new series, Hookup Pad. This series follows the events from TeamSkeet’s The Loft, which introduced Erik Everhard and his wealthy friends who purchased a loft in the city together to use whenever they want to escape their wives and sleep with young, beautiful women. In Hookup Pad, Erik’s son (Tommy Gold) and his private school friends get to discover the wonders of the loft!
In the premiere scene, “Early Graduation Present,” Tommy arrives at the loft early from school to find his dad Erik banging his teacher, Vickie Brown. Erik tries to explain himself to Tommy, but Tommy doesn’t want to hear any excuses. Instead, he arranges a deal with Erik to keep the secret hidden from his mom. Erik offers the loft as an early graduation gift for Tommy to use whenever he wants with whoever he wants. This time, Tommy gets to bang his teacher, Vickie, alongside his dad!
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Visit and follow them on Twitter @GotMylf.
- You can follow Erik Everhard on X @ERIK_EVERHARD.
- You can follow Tommy Gold on X @tommy_gold_.
- You can follow Vickie Brown on X @vickyloveporn.