Sadie Rose, known as “Hotwife Sadie Rose,” has released a new scene titled “Landlord Services,” co-starring MoWet. Sadie Rose describes the scene as her “Christmas gift to fans” and highlights it as one of her best scenes.
The scene features a landlord/tenant role-play scenario, with MoWet playing a handyman who attends to Rose’s “needs.” The scene includes a variety of sexual acts, such as oral sex and penetrative sex in multiple positions, including standing and on the couch. The scene utilizes multiple camera angles to enhance the viewing experience.
“Landlord Services” is available exclusively on Sadie Rose’s OnlyFans page. The release showcases Rose’s continued dedication to producing high-quality, independent content and solidifies her position as a rising star.
- Follow Sadie Rose on X @thesadierw
- Follow MoWet on X at @deepthreat