For one reason or another, we always thought that Chanel Preston could have been one of Digital Playground's next great contract stars! Chanel fits nicely in the legacy of Tera Patrick, Jessie Jane, Riley Steele and Kayden Kross. Perhaps some day it will become a reality, until then we get Porno Pranks, a new film from Robby D. that pairs two of Digital Playground's top starlets with the ever amazing Chanel.
In Porno Pranks, Jesse Jane, Riley Steele and Chanel Preston play sex pranks on unsuspecting guys. "Hey will you fix this window (with Riley and Chanel fucking in the background). The trailer for Porno Pranks looks fantastic and is easily this week's Clip of the Week.
Watch the trailer for Porno Pranks and pick up the Porno Pranks DVD/Blu-Ray combo.