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You Really Have To Love Yourself….


 Chanel Preston Vagina Vanity

"You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world"

-Lucille Ball


       The other day I was driving to work when I stopped at an intersection and looked out my side window to see a man that caught my eye. Clearly, he was homeless and his shirt had holes as if someone had sliced it open so many times that it was difficult to even deem as a shirt. He wasn't handicap and he actually walked around the sidewalk boisterously and proud. So proud, in fact, that he pulled a comb out of his raggedy pants and began to brush his hair. It was obvious that he loved his hair and he had every right to as, although greying, it was long and thick with slight curls at the end that lay perfectly mended as he slicked it back carefully. I thought it funny that when I leave the house I like my shirt and pants to be sans holes and very clean yet I NEVER comb my hair.

        I found it interesting what we, as humans, find important or special about ourselves under different circumstances. Maybe if I was homeless I would appreciate my hair more. Or maybe if I lived in Antarctica I would appreciate my ability to gain warm fat at even the thought of a crispy, delicious, apple strudel...Collectively we are vain. It's our way of mating. We want to look pretty and presentable to attract a mate but individually what drives our vanity varies. I had to ask myself what MY greatest physical attribute was at this time in my life. What is the one physical thing that I hold the most value in at this present time? Well, it's my vagina...I know some of you may be rolling your eyes because you were expecting something much deeper and believe me I thought about going that direction but that's not what you all want to read about right? You want to read about my vagina. So here it goes.

       My vagina is soooooo important to me right now that the mere thought of it being out of commission gives me an ungodly amount of anxiety. I never would have imagined that this sexual organ would become so important in my life but it has and now I have to protect it. I have to protect it like a delicate flower. It demands more of my attention then I'd like at times but I know thats the price I pay by giving my pussy such an important job. My vagina is responsible for my car. My vagina is responsible for my home. My vagina is responsible for paying my bills and, most importantly, my vagina is responsible for making many, many, many men and women out there VERY happy.

       Years ago, I sat in the office of my gynecologist and I yelled at him. I said, "I hate my vagina!" and he looked at me (knowing what I did for a living) and stared directly into my eyes and said, "Chanel, how could you hate your vagina when so many men out there love it?"

        Now, take what you may from that comment but he was right. If so many men love my vagina then I should too. And now I do. I can look at her and appreciate her abilities as well as her beauty. As to wether I adore my vagina more then that man adores his hair we'll never know. And although I'm not combing my pubes on the sidewalk of a busy intersection I respect this homeless man and his love for his hair and I strongly encourage everyone to find at least one thing that they love about themselves no matter what your circumstances are.


-XO Chanel


Chanel Preston

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