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Juliette Black, Sovereign Syre, Carrie Carnality & Molly Bennett


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This is been a very exciting and active month in coming across, “Newcomers & Fresh Faces”. Every month Bill The Hobbyis gets tweets, emails and dm’s from fans, industry peers and people within the industry mentioning to me new girls to look at. OK, he also gets some girls actually asking me to pick them as one. Bill really enjoys all of this as it brings girls he may have over looked or missed to my attention. This month has been over whelming in the input he has received and Bill built a list of over twenty two girls that he looked at.

Many ask, what I look for in a newcomer and how Bill makes his final selections. It’s not one thing, it is many different things and Bill plans to blog on XCritic soon, “What It Takes To Be An Exciting Newcomer & Fresh Face, For Bill The Hobbyist”. In the meantime, you can get a good idea by first looking his My XCritic Picks of the "Top 5 Fresh Faces Of 2011" - Riley Reid, Mary Jane Marley, Cassandra Nix, Emma Ash & Tracey Sweet and then, come join bille in meeting Juliette Black, Sovereign Syre, Carrie Carnality and Molly Bennett Bill's February 2012 Picks for XCritic’s Newcomers & Fresh Faces”. All of these young ladies, is what it is all about.

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