When it comes to reviewing porn, XCritic reserves our highest rating, the XCritic Pick, for the absolute best of the best. These are titles which we completely stand behind and strongly advise you to run out and pick up.
The latest title to receive this prestigious honor is Not Married With Children XXX. Directed byWill Ryder (who also did Not The Brady's XXX 1 & 2, Not Bewitched XXX, Not Three's Company XXX and Not The Cosby's XXX).
Not Married With Children XXX is a top notch hit sitcum with some of the most consistently warm scenes in recent memory. Others have tried to spoof the Bundy clan in the past but none have come close to this one, elevating the bar much like the Cosby parody did earlier this year.
There may be bigger budget comedies available and gonzo titles with more sexual fuck for the buck but there has been nothing released in the last year from competitors that beat this one a clear reason why it deserves our XCritic Pick rating. Read our complete review for Not Married With Children XXX.