Do you realize that it has been almost nineteen years since my last blog post? No, the internet wasn't around then, George H. Bush was in office, I hadn't yet received my first hand job (that came a bit later) and Public Image Ltd. had just put out their record, "9".
Well look, I don't have boobs, I'm not attractive and I'm not a star. So missing me is probably like saying you missed Alfred A. Hunneymyer, an accountant that lived at 1804 Neck Creed Rd in Lewiston Massachusttes around the turn of the century.
And what I mean is, not at all.
Tried to interview the wonderfully talented, Janine Lindemulder the other night. Here's some things to be aware of...
Janine no longer does interviews. Oops.
Janine no longer does interviews and has no interest in meeting people who are interested in interviewing her.
Janine no longer does interviews and has no interest in meeting people who are interested in interviewing her even when those people have a current Digital Playground contract star in tow.
Janine no longer does interviews and has no interest in meeting people who are interested in interviewing her even when those people have a current Digital Playground contract star in tow yet even still, she looks absolutely stunning in person on a stage ten feet away and it makes you forget that she might be a little bat-shit crazy.
At least we got a pictures of Spock BUCKTON and Stoya with Janine.
And we were only gonna ask her about the tax evasion thing anyway, so she probably made the right choice.