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100mph on the freeway? 110mph through life….


What a fantastic day. And a fantastic evening. And a great weekend, and an exciting week ahead! There is so much going on right now, I'm not quite sure where to start. HMMMMM. Okay, I'll start with last Friday and work my way up to the present.

Friday I drove down to San Diego with a friend of mine from the east coast who works in the music biz. We listened to the dopest, most slapping new beats down and back up, rappers like Mo Pope, and Grouch twisting our nipples in that sexy way incredible lyricist and beat makers do. The whole reason to go down was to get some tax info, and upon tearing through the accordian file I like to call my stuff folder, I realize I don't have anything that I need, and somewhere through the year have lost all documents that are important for tax purposes.

No Biggie. Just gotta make some calls today, find some receipts who's existence is in question, and get it all shipped off to Hawaii so my mom can hook my tax shit up.

That's right folks, my shit is legit.


after my day trip adventure with mr. music, I got to texting with Mr. East Egg, (and this is where I am going to change his name, it just doesn't roll well off the tongue.....so now he's....."The Boss") and Boss man and I decided it would be a good investment of both our times if we were to fuck each others brains out until the wee hours of the morning, and then wake up and proceed from where we left off the evening/morning before.

And that is what we did. Exactly what we did.

All over his house too, everywhere, and there was even a momentary repeat of the Phoenix forum/hot sexy bathroom time. That's right folks, the Boss is a repeat lover. Strange I know, and very unlike me, but this is some hot motherfucking sex and I just can't pass it up. In fact, its so hot that I'm not quite sure what to do with it. But that's what happens right? When you're tossed something extraordinary? Out of this world? You just let the tide wash over you and completely engulf your being. You give yourself over to the higher power that is creating such an amazing connection, and enjoy yourself. Be a little greedy. Have one more round in bed before you get up. In fact, order Chinese food and only leave bed to get it from the delivery driver (answer the door naked perhaps!). It's a very sexy time we spend together, so much so that it stays on my mind like the lipgloss on your lips from kissing some hot bitch.

Well, that was Friday night into Saturday morning, and after leaving his swanky pad, I made my way down to the Burbank airport to fly to vegas for Blake's (of Brazzers.com) birthday party. I also got to hang out with one of my favorite directors, Mr. Brett Brando. I actually even drove his car back from Vegas for him, and this is how I looked while driving it.

This is how fast I drove it.

But don't tell him. Or the cops. Thanks.

Anyway, I got back last night around 7, shot some content for my site, went to dinner with Angel Pie, got my car from the Burbank airport (because remember I drove Brando's home, but flew out), picked up Brando's sweet little pitbull Daisy May, smoked a little pot and went to sleep. This morning I awoke bubbling with ideas for my site, and with conversation and legal documents in the final stages, decided fuck it. Time to start building a ton of content. Even if its just me, a ghetto camera, and the world, I think I can do something cool. Something fun. Take you around the with me through life.

I do need a better camera though. So my first mission for the website? Fuck somebody for their camera. I bet you guys ten bucks I can find someone within twenty miles of me that will barter some hot kinky sex for their camcorder. Just a cute little handheld one, nothing serious.....


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