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Lucy Doll Is Bella Rolland’s Little Closet Slut


Bella Rolland has kept Lucy Doll in the closet! But now she’s going to use a big rainbow strap-on to teach her how to be a good little closet slut!

Bella Rolland is home with her parents and is reminded to do laundry when she demands they remember to stay out of her room! She’s having a rough day but looks delicious in her skin-tight black miniskirt and yellow crop top. She prances in front of her closet door… causing intrigue about what’s inside. YUMM, it’s Lucy Doll in her birthday suit, bent over with a black silk ribbon over her mouth. Bella Rolland pulls her Lucy Doll out of the closet, bends her over, spits on her hand, and starts rubbing Lucy Dolls' tiny pussy from behind. This is NOT how I got “pulled out of the closet,” but Brazzers is where fantasies are born. Bella stands behind her Lucy Doll and spreads her cheeks, giving us a perfect close-up before she pulls out a big, rainbow strap-on!

lucy doll bella rolland

Lucy Doll is already dripping wet! Only Bella knows how long she’s been waiting in that closet with the strap-on. Her Lucy Doll is so grateful to be getting fucked! But just when Bella Rolland starts to fuck her deep, Bella’s mom knocks at the door. How dare she interrupt Bella and her little closet slut?! When she leaves, Bella unties the ribbon, pushes her to the bed, and makes sure her Lucy Doll is ready to eat her pussy! She doesn’t even undress for her closet slut! Bella pulls her white panties to the side, demands her Lucy Doll sticks her tongue out and starts grinding her pussy all over it.

lucy doll bella rolland


She turns around and starts shaking and slapping her big ass over her Lucy Doll’s face.  She’s such a good closet slut that Bella rewards her with a few gentle slaps over her pussy lips before she gets a taste. She’s so wet that Bella can’t resist… she holds her closet slut down while she rubs her cunt all over Lucy Dolls’ swollen pussy lips! …until she’s interrupted by her dad reminding her that she needs to finish doing laundry! But Lucy Doll isn’t going back into the closet. Well, only for a second to pull out the rainbow strap-on. Bella Rolland is still arguing with her dad over the half-open door when her Lucy Doll spits on the toy and pushes into Bella’s wet cunt. But Bella has to finish her chores, so she pushes Lucy Doll back into the closet. But she’s not staying there. Instead, she puts the strap-on on and walks out of the room into the house and walks around unnoticed until she finds Bella and fucks her in the laundry room.

lucy doll bella rolland

They head back into the room discreetly, where Lucy Doll learns a lesson on obedience. They switch positions, gag on the strap-on, and Bella Rolland helps her Lucy Doll understand how to be the best closet slut.

lucy doll bella rolland

This scene is a “must watch”! But please, don’t take my word for it; click right here or on the banner below and get ready to add a new scene to your spank bank.

Make sure you're following Bella Rolland @bellarollandx, Lucy Doll @LucyDoll_ & @Brazzers on Twitter!

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