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Top 10 DIY Cosplay Ideas for Halloween Date Night


Halloween is the official holiday for cosplay and socially acceptable “slutting.” Unfortunately, unless you are a content creator or a very young adult, it MIGHT be awkward to dress up and act out to the desired extent of slutty. I sincerely hope you are living your best life, dear reader! Maybe it’s just me, but I wish I had a reason (excuse- wink) to dress up and get in character. But at 33 and living abroad, it’s not really cute or safe.

What is a girl to do when she needs fun?! I wish I were back home and able to go to a club to enjoy a carefree night. But I can’t. That is why I came up with a DIY Cosplay Halloween date night. I’m not looking to invest in a one-time outfit right now, BUT I want something sexy, exciting, and SLUTTY.

Cosplay, short for costume play, is a performance art in which participants (or cosplayers) wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. Thank you, Wikipedia. Cosplay porn isn’t my cup of tea, but it is Halloween, and I really need a fun night. I hope my research and date night fantasies are even more fun for you.

People have been into cosplay since 1939! I mean, I’m sure people have been doing it for MUCH longer but cosplay, as we know it, grew in the context of science fiction conventions. And the 1st World Science Fiction Convention was held in New York City in 1939. The Japanese term “cosplay” (kosupure) was coined in 1984. And since the 1990s, cosplay has become a thing in Japan and most countries worldwide.

FACT: The term was coined by Nobuyuki Takahashi of Studio Hard after he attended the 1984 World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Los Angeles.

FACT: Masquerade balls were a feature in 15th-century medieval court life.

FACT: In Italy, during the 16th century (Renaissance), costumed public festivities (cosplay) were typical for members of the upper classes.

The interest in pretending to be someone else for one day isn’t new, and we are instinctually driven to pursue creativity and amusement. Before I suggest some DIY cosplay and fantasy ideas, keep in mind that none of this is gender-specific to me and you should embrace and own any character that feels true to you. Date night isn’t about genders or even couples. It is about being true to your energy, letting it synch with as many people as you want, and having fun while being yourself.

  1. Cruella Deville: It doesn’t have to be THIS character. Like I said before, it’s a vibe—tight clothes, intense smokey makeup, long gloves, high heels, CONFIDENCE, and DOMINATION. Being cruel (to a person who consented) can be out of character and awkward but give it a try. Remind the dog (sub) who is in charge (YOU) and make it obey. If it behaves, it gets a treat.
  2. Vampire: You are eternal. You are THIRSTY. You are hunting tonight. You can pretend to be waking up after a century of not feeding or fucking, and you NEED your fix.
  3. Fitness coach: Dress up in your tightest lycra and pretend your partner is just a student in your day's last class. Zoomba, yoga, the details can be specific to you. The only important details are that your partner is a stranger taking your class and that you are never seeing them again after tonight.
  4. Cop: Dress in black in be in charge. The opposite, getting arrested, is also a sexy option, making this a classic and fantastic roleplay scenario. Somebody has done something awful and REALLY needs to stay out of trouble. And the cop knows precisely what the naughty partner needs to do to stay out of jail. Maybe a night in handcuffs in bed is a harsher punishment than jail.
  5. Devil: Wear red. Wear black. Be sinful and indulge in your every desire. And make sure your partner(s) earns eternity in hell for what they do o you. Sodomy is still technically sinful, right?
  6. Adam and Eve: Cover your genitals and TEASE. Seduce your partner into sin and make them taste paradise before they leave.
  7. Teacher: No costume list is complete without the teacher/student roleplay. It’s a classic because it never gets old. Ever. The power dynamic involving educating your partner is simply sexy as fuck. The fantasy can also be boss/employee or any other scenario in which one person is in a position of power. MAKE your partner earn a good grade or promotion by showing they learned everything you’ve taught them.
  8. One-night stand: If you’ve been in a (mostly) monogamous relationship for over ten years (like me), you might miss having uncomplicated and sexy one-night stands. PRETEND! You can be anyone you want. “Meet” your partner(s) at a random place, or pretend you are bringing a stranger home for a no-strings-attached fuck fest.
  9. Burglar: This might be for you if you can manage consensual non-consent. Someone broke into your place, and he/she/they are hot as fuck! You SHOULD call the police, but will you? Or will you let them have what they want?
  10. Greek god/ goddess: Wrap yourself in a sheet (as sexily as possible) and let your partner pamper you. Let them feed you, bathe you, and worship you like you are the ultimate authority in all things kinky.

A great date night doesn’t have to be totally planned, stressful, or complicated. You just need to make time for your partner(s) and let your creativity flow. Like I always say, it doesn’t matter who plays what character. Just get out of your comfort zone and let the kink inspire you. My mom always told me to keep my chin up and my tits out. She said that because I had bad posture, but it’s also great advice regarding kink. Be confident and know that you are in a safe space where you can be yourself; or not.