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What Is Taboo in the Age of Moral Corruption?


Source: https://external-preview.redd.it/skG_tzodt1fVdCiKI3MwvBLDSpaUpwDNPnKGu9qIxAM.jpg?auto=webp&s=6d6d5f940a759ae04bb1ed5ff5fa120e85be6f10

Fetishes exist in Petri dishes where different kinks grow, spread, and combine. The diverse multiverse of fetish and kink is ever-expanding, and far from this being scary, it becomes more normal and accepted every day. Kink has become mainstream. Your grandmother (not mine because she’s a freaky little kinkster) may have been shocked if she heard about things like pegging and double penetration, but the world and humanity have changed.

Far from being scary or intimidating, kinks and fetishes have become a normalized part of our lives. Presidents are into golden showers, movie stars are into autoasphyxia, and everybody and their mother experimented with some level of BDSM after a few R-rated movies sparked an interest. Very little is taboo nowadays.

Let’s get specific. Oxford languages define taboo as a social or religious custom prohibiting or forbidding discussion of a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. I can’t add anything to the conversation about the profound influence of religion on what we consider taboo that hasn’t already been said. Still, it goes without saying that it’s a thing. Control of reproduction equals control of the masses, etc. You know the story… The only reason sex ever became taboo is religion. Religions made sex and everything that relates to it taboo.

Sex is as natural and necessary to humanity as eating and sleeping are. But for some reason, we feel weird even talking about it. I’m pretty lucky to be surrounded by sex-positive individuals who would be seriously offended to hear I feel uncomfortable discussing sex, so I’m happy to say I can’t relate. But a lot of people whisper if they have to talk about sex, and even more people would rather never orgasm again than be seen walking into a sex toy store… can you even imagine!?

I, we, do not represent the majority, my dear reader. Mathematically I mean… Most people don’t read about sex, porn, or anything related. I feel a little bit sorry for them, but I’m happy to know people, we, and the majority, have accepted and brought kink into our lives. Not that I give a fuck, but I suppose that my writing about sex is taboo for many people, and you reading about it is too.

Before writing this, I wondered, are there things I have become desensitized to that like-minded individuals still consider taboo? Long story short, yes. I put my theory to the test. I video-called some friends and gave them ‘the cringe test.’ A few beers later, I have to say I had some fantastic conversations.

I heard the term ‘morally corrupt’ a few times. What the fuck does that even mean? I asked the dictionary:

Someone who is morally corrupt behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power. I feel that the definition of ‘morally corrupt’ didn’t clear things up enough for me. To behave in a morally correct way is to behave in a way that is considered right according to the code of behavior of a particular society.

Ok, let's say that to be morally corrupt is to behave in a way that is considered wrong according to the code of behavior of a particular society in return for money or power. I’m not going to pretend to be the expert or voice of reason on matters relating to morality because I often struggle to even understand the ‘code of behavior’ and what is morally correct or corrupt is relative.

I refuse to name him and grant him importance. Still, this dude, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., who writes about the ‘moral fracturing of our society,’ is a Christian conservative (insert dramatic gasp). I sincerely don’t intend to criticize Christians or religions at all. It may be evident that I don’t subscribe to their teachings and messages, but I don’t want to dismiss them and certainly not insult them. I just thought there was a little thing called ‘separation of church and state,’ but we all know how well that’s going.

The bottom line is that when religion dictates morality, we are condemned to perceiving and interpreting life from their perspective. Mr. Senior Fellow of Ethics and Public Policy, believes that:

“…several things have gone on in American society that have caused a kind of moral confusion. One of those things, I think, is that there's been a rather sustained assault on truth, kind of postmodernism. And that's a movement that really developed in the academy years ago, the notion that either objective truth doesn't exist or if it does, it's not something that we can ascertain.

Not surprisingly, I agree with academics. There is no ‘one objective truth.’ There are at least two sides to every story and every truth. However, there are things, kinks, and fetishes that most people would consider wrong despite religion, politics, or society.

A study asked 2,044 participants to rate how society viewed particular sexual interests (tabooness) from 1-10 and ranked the taboos on the reported sexual interest. I’m going to list the ones ranked 7-10 in order. Urine, petplay, dirtiness, incest roleplay, piercing/cutting, sounding (stuffing your pee-hole), vore (a person feels sexual arousal from being eaten or watching something or someone, real or fictional, being eaten), creepy crawlies, scat (sexual arousal and pleasure from feces), bestiality, necrophilia, and pedophilia.

It's hard to disagree with the statement that we live in an age of moral corruption. Define that as you may, it’s safe to say we live in a society filled with people who do illegal or wrong things (from my humble point of view) with the intention to make money or gain power. Very little is scandalous enough to be taboo when nothing seems right and correct. But, like always, the lack of CONSENT, in this case from animals, dead people, and children, is the most taboo fetish you can be into.

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