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Checking In with Porn Star Penny Barber


Penny Pleases!

Penny Barber has become a truly amazing talent in her long porn career and she truly deserves to be ranked as one of the top MILFs performing in adult productions today. She stars in Family Sinners' Mothers-In-Law and if you are a MILF fan, you definitely need more of Barber in your porn viewing now. Here is what she had to say about her porn and her world.


Hello, Penny! How are you doing? How are things going?

"They’re going pretty well! This is the busiest I’ve ever been in my life, but I’m happy."

So congrats on being in the running to win that big porn tournament that happened! What can you tell fans about it?

"No matter who you vote for, you’re benefiting a charity, which I think is a lovely idea. It also makes it easier to get excited about promoting the contest! Basically, each round has one performer matched up against another, and whoever wins advances. It’s literally a popularity contest, but, hey, I’m having fun! I’m not expecting to win—actually, I’m amazed that I made it this far. There’s some stiff competition!" (Sadly, Barber only made it to the fourth round out of the five which is still really impressive.--HK)

Why did you choose the charity that you did with this?

"Ever since I started in sex work, I’ve championed St. James Infirmary. I’ve tried working with a several over the years, and St. James is the one that does the most tangible good. They provide actual benefits and even helped me out a time or two when I was in need as a young woman. When I was going through my divorce, I needed help with some things. I reached out to many charities for sex workers. Some told me they’d put me on a waitlist, then never got back to me. Some never even responded in the first place. But St. James was there for me—and they’ve been there time and time again with real, practical relief. They’ve assisted during outbreaks of STIs in the industry. You can walk into their building any day of the week to get practical aid. I will always support St. James. They’re amazing! Please, please, please consider supporting them if you want to see your dollars go directly to aid."

You have been doing stronger and stronger scenes over the last year. What has been inspiring you in your work these days?

"Ha! I don’t think that’s the case, but...thank you? The scenes I was doing at the beginning of my career were way more physically and emotionally taxing. This is a cakewalk in the tea park, as it were. But more people are seeing my work, and I’m thrilled. Mostly what’s inspired me, I guess, is opportunity. I’m a real mother (not just in movies), and my family is finally established enough so I can start to focus on my career a little more. I feel so satisfied when I look in the mirror. I’m hustling as hard as a MILF can!"

What are your favorite scenes that you have done as of late?

"I love working with director Ricky Greenwood. He has a really talented crew, an understanding of what’s hot in a scene, and a knack for getting what he wants out of the talent. Watching him work has taught me the true role of a director and how to be authoritative without stifling other’s creativity on set. I really enjoy doing the cinematic scenes that he films. I just got to shoot for him with my friend Natalie Mars for TransSensual—I know that we made something beautiful, and I got to cum all over Natalie! However, my favorite scenes are still the ones that I film myself, especially my cinematic projects. I can do whatever perverted, artistic thing I want. I can take my time to set up the mise en scene, exactly to my taste. I can do really dramatic lighting or something trippy and psychedelic, or just blow it out for a really porny look. I can make the porn that I want to see in the world, so not only is it satisfying, but I have amazing orgasms while I’m filming. It’s been better since I started working with my husband, photographer, and videographer Rex Shepherd. We really share the same vision and can communicate so well. It feels like he’s an extension of me. I hope that we get to work together more in the future."

What do you love most about being a MILF/stepmom in the porn world?

What’s not to love? It’s so kinky! On a practical level, I think that you meet people who have a better attitude towards women. They’re not constantly hinting that you’re aging out of being attractive or that inexperience equals value. Instead, there’s a culture of respect and admiration that you made it this long, and you’re dedicated and passionate. Or maybe the industry has just changed since I started in 2003, which is even better! This is so much closer to the porn culture that I want for future generations of adult actors. I know that it isn't perfect, but I think it's better than ever. But if you mean personally, I just love fucking worshipful young studs and sluts who are desperate to please Mommy!"

How has making porn in a pandemic been for you? What has the pandemic taught you the most about yourself?

"I decided to get more serious about improving myself as a filmmaker. My fans have been really generous about sending every single filmmaking book I put on my wish list, and I’ve been reading them voraciously. I updated my equipment, learned how to use it, and practiced every single day. Honestly, just caring about my clips improved them overnight, but I’m still working on getting better. It can be hard to motivate yourself to do something when you aren’t improving as quickly as you might like, but when I look back at my work five years, a year, or even six months ago, I’m thrilled with the progress I’ve made. In short, the downtime created by the pandemic helped me realize what my passion is and then gave me room to pursue it.

That said, I like to think that I would have gotten here anyway without, you know, millions of people dying. And who knows? Maybe if I could go out to more film festivals and meet more filmmakers, I would have progressed even faster. But that’s how I’ve been trying to make use of myself during the pandemic."

What has been making you happy lately? What makes you smile?

"Laaaaaaatexxxx. I’ve been online shopping. I really love latex clothing. With those yellow rubber gloves to MILF the whole thing up? Forget about it! It’s become the main topic of my Instagram account @pennybarbermilf."

What else is coming up for you? What should your fans be on the look out for?

"I want to start making more fetishy porn and a few projects outlined for the summer that I’m very excited about. Summer just seems like a good season for filming, you know? I get horny in warm weather. Hopefully, my husband can take some time off, and we can get weird together."

Is there anything that you would like to say to your fans here at Fleshbot?

"I love you! I hope that you cum really hard while looking at my big, Mommy titties!"


All of the images and video here appear courtesy of Family Sinners.

Follow Barber on Twitter to keep up with all of her porno goodness!

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