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Five Reasons Why I Love My Model Time Scene, by Allie Awesome


It's Model Time For Allie!

Performer Allie Awesome was really happy to perform a super hot solo for Adult Time's Model Time channel and you absolutely should check it on out. Here is what Awesome had to say about it.

"I loved working with my co-star. What can I say? I’m a dream to work with!"
"Getting to work with THE Bree Mills and the Model Time team. It’s a good day when an award winning director of Bree’s caliber reaches out to you to come up with a concept for a video."
"I loved the challenge. While I had done a few of these split screen videos where I play multiple characters before this was a little different because I did a role play rather than a Domme/sub relationship. Coming up with a storyline to fit the format took some thought but I think it’s pretty fun."
"I came A LOT. By the time I was done, I probably filmed for 25 hours total which means countless orgasms."
"I’m now a part of the Adult Time family. This was one of my goals as a performer and I’m just so proud that it happened. On top of that, the response has been incredible. It’s been a fantastic experience throughout!"
All of the images and video here appear courtesy of Adult Time. Follow Awesome on Twitter to keep up with all of her very sexy porno doings and click right here to watch Awesome's Model Time scene and a lot of other great Model Time scenes right now!

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