As much as we pride ourselves on keeping up with all the latest sex trends here at Fleshbot, we admit that there are a few that slip through the cracks every now and then - for example, who knew that body waxing was as pleasurable as it seems to be for the nubile miss* in this video clip? As with all fetishes, however, it looks like sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. Don't try this at home.
"A snatch too far ..." (embedded .wmv video with sound @
See also: "Faster Pussycat, Wax! Wax!" (1999) and "Porn Star Secrets" (2000) (articles @ Salon)
"Waxing on Waxing: Girls on Bikini Maintenance" (
Total Body Shaving Guide (
"The Geography of Waxing" (
Previously: The Severe Society, Hot Bald Babes, Porn For Charity (
*Update We were so distracted by the punch line in this clip that we didn't notice that it's Tori Spelling in a deleted scene from "Scary Movie 2". (Actually, we're more embarassed about calling Tori a "nubile miss" than anything.) Thanks for noticing, Paul.