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Bloody “Intimates” Ad?



The latest Mario Sorrenti-shot ad campaign for supermodel Elle Macpherson's "Intimates" lingerie line has been getting some viewers' panties in a bunch, though not for the reasons you may expect; a UK media advocacy group is calling for its removal following complaints by a London woman whose daughter "was murdered by a man obsessed with necrophilia" and who believes that online material "linking sexual titillation with violence" was responsible. We'd just like to remind everyone who looks at it that it's all meant in the spirit of fantasy, people: knives and lacy underthingies may be OK in the world of advertising, but please don't try this at home.

"Calls for Elle Macpherson Intimates TV ad to be banned" (brandrepublic.com, via Adrants)
Elle Macpherson's Intimates (full screen Flash w/sound @ intimates.tv)

Previously: Elle Macpherson, "I Saw You", More Women and Meat, More Atkins Porn, Supermodel Meat Sports, Necro Babes