Our suddenly flthy-minded (or, rather, suddenly more filthy-minded than usual) sibling site Gawker investigates the hitherto neglected filmography of FOX's "Who's Your Daddy?" contestant T.J. Myers, whose early career star turn in "Seduction of Innocence" involved "a) working as a stripper, b) (being) tied up with some kind of drug syndicate, and c) living with a lesbian". No word on whether her roles in other forgotten classics like "Shadowed Love" and "The Dallas Connection" were similarly as challenging.
"FOX: Who's Your Soft Porn Actress?" (Gawker)
T.J. Myers (official site @ tjmyersusa.com)
See also: "Just Spot Your Real Dad, and You'll Win the Jackpot" (NY Times)
Previously: Kristi Frank, Apprentice