In news which can only be described as electrifying for anyone who wishes the day when android sex becomes a reality would hurry up and get here already (us included), a South Korean professor has announced the invention of a series of "artificial chromosomes" (read: bits of software) that "will allow robots to feel lusty, and could eventually lead to them reproducing". The article is maddeningly oblique regarding practical applications for the discovery, but we can only hope it involves making all those silicone and latex-based artfiicial companions do more than just sit there staring blankly. We're getting tired of having to do all the talking.
"Sex and the Single Robot" (Guardian)
Thumbnail by Hajime Sorayama (gallery @
Previously: 2005 PlayBot Calendar, The RoboSpanker, Christophe Luxureau, Sexy Androids, Electric Sheep, Sorayama's Robots