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Porn Star For Sale



Maybe we acted too quickly when we decided on our current eBay Item of the Week earlier today: why settle for a few articles of used clothing when for $25,000 you can buy your very own pornstar, or at least the 4 1/2 years remaining on her contract? About the only thing creepier than the general trafficking-in-human-flesh aspect of this Craigslist posting spotted by our backlot-loitering colleague Defamer today is that none of our adult industry contacts has ever heard of the company holding the auction (which may not be too surprising, considering they describe themselves as a streaming video "service bureau"), much less recognize the anonymous actress whose apparently broken contract they're seeking such a high price for. But we're sure that collection of 142 "never before released" digital photos that's part of the package is worth every penny.

"Buy Your Own Porn Star On Craigslist" (Defamer)
eBay item #3876174730: "Photo Collection" (eBay)
"Auction Site for Adult Picture Collection, Contract and Five Related Domains" (meridiansouthwest.com)

Previously: Shaune Bagwell For Sale, Tera Doll For Sale, Trishelle For Sale

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