When we last commented on Jenna Jameson's quest for total world domination, we were only half joking: the new Jenna Fatigue blog is a humorous, slightly frightening look at the success of Jenna's PR machine and mainstream media's obsession with pornography. It's calmly enough written to avoid reading like the rantings of a stalker—not to mention a handy repository of all those pictures of Jenna what won't get you a meeting with HR when found on your PC. (Then again, it might also be the cleverest piece of stealth marketing Vivid/ClubJenna's come up with yet.)
· Jenna Fatigue (jennafatigue.blogspot.com)
Is Jenna Fatigue the new Avian Flu? Have your say after the jump.
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Previously: Jenna's Flying Vag Guitar, DVD: "The New Devil In Miss Jones", "Jenna Loves Pain", Jenna Loves Mike (Update), "VirtuallyJenna" Sex Simulator, et al. ad infinitum