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The Fleshbot Quality ASSurance Deptartment hasn't fully audited this site to guarantee the donations they're collecting really do go to fight AIDS. But if the SexAppeal Project is doing what they say they're doing—that is, using the lure of free porn to reel in a fraction of the estimated $10 Billion Americans spend on adult entertainment every year to fund projects like caring for AIDS orphans and sick patients in South Africa—then we hope that the ever-expanding collection of galleries, stories and other sexy stuff is lightening a few loads out there, both medically and monetarily. Can't spare a dime? Break out that digital camera and support the cause with some donated smut—because while a lot of us like to imagine we're doing something bad when we're looking at smut, it's nice to be reminded every now and then that it can make you feel good in more ways than one as well.A. Tolesco

SexAppeal (sexappeal.org)
Thumbnail photo by Carlos Batts

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