About a month ago, fetish model Thrashy did something that was completely unprecedented as far as I know in my umpteen years of devoted pornlooking: distracted by other pastimes and feeling she wasn't delivering the frequent updates her adoring fans deserved, the young entrepreneur eliminated her dirty website's member's area, thus making all the photosets by leading European photographers that you used to have to pay for completely free. How's that for customer service? Let's hope this bold move towards the liberation of premium content is an indicator of an internet-wide trend. Now us cheap bastards who live to disprove that whole no-such-thing-as-a-free-lunch clause can admire the admirable Thrashy in all her coquettish, rock star, breast clenching glory.A. Tolesco
Thrashy Pupp_z (trashy.puppz.free.fr)
Thumbnail by Ludovic Goubet