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Booty Shake Blog


Booty Shake Blog

It can't be jam if it shakes like that; not like the jelly going on over at Dave Naz's Booty Shake Blog. I've always thought that sitting around sufring porn all day was my dream job, until I found fetish photographer Naz's RSS (or rather, ASS) obsession, devoted entirely to the roundest, bounciest butts that happen to jiggle his way. Then I realized that when brain transplants become possible, Dave Naz will have to be real careful walking down the street, if you know what I mean. V. Blue

Booty Shake Blog (booty-shake.com)

Previously: Preview: "Tristan Taormino's House of Ass", Flickr Booty, The Return of Keyra's Back, Bounce-That-Ass Blog, Diary of an Ass Monkey, "Big Wet Asses #6"

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