For anyone who's already experienced the dubious thrills of dildos shaped like animal parts or religous icons and is looking for more frontiers to explore—or if you've simply fantasized about what Sigourney Weaver might've experienced had those extraterrestrial shipmates of hers been hungry for something else besides human flesh—this new line of sex toys might be of particular interest. We're especially intrigued (read: terrified) by the "Brutus" buttplug model; as much as we look forward to making contact with alien civilizations someday, this is one space being we hope we don't make contact with anytime soon.
Alien Dildos ( - thanks L.)
Previously: Talking Head Vibrators, Intergalactic Love, Hot Daleks Porn!, Terrestres Extras, Sexy Trekkies, Jar Jar Porn, "The Toy", "The Spine", Silicone Dildo Art, Divine Interventions