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Back Dimple Bonanza


Back Dimple Bonanza

Until recently, we never gave much thought to back dimples (traditionally known as "dimples of Venus"), but now we've got a whole new perspective on things. Though it might not be immediately evident what back dimples are—they're "the sagittally symmetrical indentations sometimes visible on the human lower back", if you want to get technical—just take a look at these fine collections of prime specimens and you'll know exactly what we're talking about. Less easy to answer, however, is the question of what those charming little indentations are for to begin with. Maybe Mother Nature put them there so that whenever you find yourself behind a woman, you know where to put your thumbs.

- A. Tolesco

· Back dimples and butt dimples (underscorebleach.net)

· Back Dimples Megagallery (bulletinboardforum.com)

· Bumples Tribe (tribe.net)

Previously: Anal Lab, Booty Shake Blog, Be-Cheeky, Flickr Booty, 50 Cent "Disco Inferno" Video, Andrea Rincon's "Big Great Ass", Krista Allen's Assets, Miss Reef Booty, "Big Booty Moms", Apple Bottom Girls

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