Whenever and wherever porn happens, we here at Fleshbot want to make sure our cameras are way up in it—whether it's our favorite pornistes chilling in one of several fine Von's parking lots in Burbank; cozying up to ex-Backstreet Boy Nick Carter at the Playboy Mansion; or getting fucked atop a pile of cocaine.
Do we have your attention? (Hello, Nick Carter?) Join us after the gap for more photos ... after saying hello to Memphis Monroe from the set of Hustler's "Aphrodisiac".
- G. Ponante
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Say Hello to My Perfectly-Shaped Friends!
Carmen Luvana plays, of course, Toni Luvana in Adam & Eve's "Lady Scarface", an epic of guns, sex, and nose candy. Hollywood weapons wranglers had the unique pleasure of providing a naked Luvana with a blank-firing AR-15 to bust some shots off in Encino today.
· Adam & Eve (adameve.com)
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We Do Peaches Right!
Amber Peach already has that great story about lousy Alabama strip club tippers, but recently revealed that her final check from Kentucky Fried Chicken financed her move to California. "I lived in my car for a few weeks," she said chipperly. She is considering writing a book about her adventures thus far. She definitely has the first few chapters covered.
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Finger-in-the-Mouth Mayhem!
Finally, "Dark Angels 2" co-stars Sunny Lane and Monica Mayhem switched personas for a moment at Hef's place this week. Must have been the grotto fumes. Or might it have been Nick Carter fumes?
· Photo courtesy Miss April Storm (myspace.com)
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· Memphis Monroe photo courtesy Paul A. Johnson (hustlerworld.com)
Previously: Porn Valley Dispatch Archive