· Just when you thought political ads couldn't get any dumber, a candidate is attacked for dialing a wrong number. Then again, when accused of calling a phone sex line, "wrong number" is the standard go-to excuse. (forbes.com)
· Mary Carey only wants what's fair: a guest spot on The Tonight Show, just like her "opponent" Arnold Schwarzenegger. Does this mean the Terminator will have a cameo in "Pervert! Part 2"? (washingtonpost.com)
· We've been waiting for a better scan of this Scarlett Johansson "sweater" picture to show up on the interwebs for a while. The hunger strike is now over. (banklocater.com)
· Students at the University of Toronto can study "flogging, restraint and role-play". Who says they don't teach the classics anymore? (msnbc.msn.com)
· Preachers are going undercover at Indian call centers to rid the employees of their licentious ways. Hey, if it get us off hold in the next twenty minutes we're all for it. (indiatimes.com)
· A new report says the internet may be addictive. Nonsense. Now, hand us that Red Bull so we can't get back to searching YouTube. (techweb.com)
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Previously: Morning Wood Archives/Wet Spots Archives