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Meet (The Real?) Angelica Panganiban



We have something very shocking to tell you, so we hope you're sitting down for this: Sometimes photographs are manipulated to make models look hotter than they really are We hate to ruin your weekend with this earth-shattering revelation, but it's true. What's more, there's a bit of a brouhaha brewing in the Philippines over a model, a calendar and some overzealous "adjustments." It seems that popular actress/model Angelica Panganiban's appearance in a 2007 swimsuit calendar bears a striking un-resemblance to some alleged behind-the-scenes photos from that very shoot. To make matters worse, her handlers then tried to pass off retouched copies of those photos, only making her look even more foolish. Personally, we think the original Angelica is nothing to sneeze at, but nonetheless it serves as a strong reminder of what is possible in the digital age. Sadly, it's kind of like finding out that You Know Who doesn't really deliver all those presents in one night.

· Angelica Panganiban 2007 Calendar "After" + "Before" (codamon.com)
· Crisis Managers Are Now Faking The Dressing Room Pics (skirmisher.org, via Otomano)

Previously: Morning Wood: Making New Friends, Cindy Margolis In Playboy (Finally), Lindsaygate: Case Closed, How To: Make Your Own Facials

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