Since our old standbys PornoTube and xTube seem to be lacking in the variety department lately (how many 11-second long blowjob videos does the world need?), we're excited about the prospect of their newest competitor, It's your standard user-uploaded, share-ready smut clip supersite, with an added "VIP" component which you can either buy or earn by contributing your own movies. Although it's a little overloaded with Google text ads, what we've seen so far is encouraging and having a new player on the field should provide more options for our daily video fix. At the very least, we've found some new uses for the equipment at the gym. We still can't figure out why our workout never seems to end the way this video does, but that's a question that may never be answered.
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· "Sex in a gym" (Sydnee Steele & Dale DaBone) (
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