There's an excellent chance you've seen this clip already since it's been bouncing around the interwebs for a few days now. You haven't seen it here yet, because despite it's title this video contains no actual sex and the premise is almost too obvious. Ever since the Nintendo Wii was unveiled last year, the very first thing that everyone thinks of when they discover its sleek, wireless, and rumbling remote is where they can stick it, so a viral video like this was only a matter of time. Luckily for you, slow news days bring out our generous side and you check out the Wii action for yourself after the jump. We're also secretly hoping that some of our more adventurous readers might try this stunt for real, and share the results of their experiment with us. Bonus points will be awarded for those attempt it while playing Wii Bowling.
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· The Wii Sex Movie (YouTube)
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Previously: YouTube Watch Archives