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Abby Winters’ Hairy Girls


Abby Winters' Hairy Girls

While many women may be hailing the advent of a plastic cooch shaving guard as the greatest thing to come along since the invention of Nair, we're happy to be reminded that there's no such beating around the bush where some smut purveyors are concerned. So hats off to Aussie erotic impresaria Abby Winters for launching a blog devoted to gorgeous models in all their natural, unshorn glory, complete with dozens of free high quality preview photos. The fact that Ms. Winters saw fit to promote the hirsuteness of some of her models in a seperate venue stippled with links to dozens of other hairy babe sites shows us just how far the porn landscape has come since the glory days of pubic hair in the 1970s, when shaving one's nether regions was considered kinky; it almost makes us wistful that we never got to participate in any Danish group sex orgies on our own. (Except for that whole dirty feet thing, of course, though we're sure that someone out there is working on a niche porn site devoted to them as we speak too.)

· Abby Winters Hairy Girls (galleries @ abbyshairygirls.com, via moneyshotblog.blogspot.com)

Previously: I Love Abby Winters, Merkin World, GirlFur, Hairy Girls Blog, Hippie Goddess, Lori Anderson: Hairy Arms (Dot Com)

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