As we've made perfectly clear already today (and many times in the past) our foreign language skills ain't the greatest. Still, it didn't take us long to figure out the theme behind the Spanish blog Azotador, since pretty much every post is accompanied by an image of someone (usually a young lady) getting spanked. Not all of the pictures are meant to be erotic, and we can't always decipher the explanation behind them—although this vintage self-spanking machine pretty much speaks for itself—but we figure that at least some percentage of our audience must read Spanish and will get a kick out of what's on display. However, even if you only speak the language of paddling, we think it will tickle firmly smack your fancy as well.
· Azotador: "Castigos en el Imaginario Colectivo" (, via Otomano)
Previously: Sex Blog Roundup: Special Spanking Edition!, Encyclopedia of Spanking Art, "Naughty Spanking Stories From A to Z: Part 2", Awesome Vintage Spanking Photos