Richard Dreyfuss, who has been known to step in at Porn Star Karaoke now and then, has been further embraced by a grateful industry by having his 1974 vehicle "Inserts" adapted for porn by director Roy Karch.
"I bumped into Richard Dreyfuss at a Sunset Boulevard gas station in 1975," Karch said. "I said, 'I loved you in Inserts!'—this was after 'Jaws'—and he said, 'So you're the one.'"
Both the original and its adaptation (with a Z), about a brilliant director shooting porn to pay the bills, falling in love with his model, and drowning in alcohol, are obviously Lewis Carroll-level fantasies based on whimsy and nothing more. Join us after the gap for some shotz from the set of "Insertz". - GP
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Above, witness the flappery Emily Evermore counting her cash after a tryst with Herschel Savage. In the original, Evermore's character was played by the flappery Veronica Cartwright.
This week's "Insertz" shoot took place in a house high above Porn Valley. Not since "Secretary" or "An Inconvenient Truth" has a movie been more ripe for pornish adaptation. Playing Miss Cake (a role originated by "Suspiria"'s Jessica Harper!!!) is Nicole Sheridan.
Dreyfuss' character, known in the original as "Wonder Boy" is played by Sheridan's real-life partner, Voodoo. Here, of course, he is known as "The Boy Wonder".
"I haven't had sex in a while," said Mika Tan while donning her metal headdress. "I hope I'm not rusty."
Karch directs Voodoo, while Tan prepares for her scene with Lee Stone in the background.
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Previously: Popshots Archive