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Slave To The Machine


Welcome back to the Fleshbot Book Club—your chance to get a sneak peek at the hottest erotic literature around. Up this week: Slave to the Machine, Aishling Morgan's fantasy for grown-ups who still like to play games.

After the bright moonlight of the roof the inside of the house seemed absolutely black, and Melody eased herself down to the floor cautiously and in complete silence. As her feet touched floorboards the lights came on, startling her despite her knowledge of more or less what was going to happen. She froze, allowing the man who had been waiting to one side of the window to catch her easily, twisting her arms behind her back and quickly cuffing her as he spoke.

‘What have we here then, a burglar, and a girl at that to judge by the feel of you.'

He had taken a grip on the back of her mask, which was pulled roughly down, and as Melody turned her head she found that she was looking up into the face of a tall, dark haired man in full police uniform with a sergeant's stripes on his sleeve. A badge gave his name – Stern – and she immediately thought of the brat spanker of Metrocity. Not that it mattered who he was, because she was helpless, while his voice had been cool and amused with not a hint of mercy. Already her choice seemed insane, and yet her body was responding for all the rapidly building emotions in her head.

‘Let's have a look at you then.'

She was hustled into the middle of the room, an attic completely bare save for a plain wooden chair set close to one wall. Melody swallowed, already sure of its purpose and her bottom cheeks tightened in anticipation of a spanking. He had folded his arms across the breadth of his chest as he stood back, his mouth flickering into a cruel smile as he took her in.

‘Well, well, very nice, and so young. This is your first offence, I suppose?'

Melody managed a weak nod and he went on.

‘I guessed as much. No need to make this formal then, I don't think. In fact what a young girl like you really needs is a good old-fashioned spanking, which is exactly what I'm going to give you.'

She tried to answer, but all that escaped her lips was a whimper. He wasted no time, stepping forward to take a powerful grip on her elbow. Cuffed and helpless, Melody could do nothing to resist as she was frog-marched to the chair and placed across his lap in spanking position. She'd known it was going to happen, and she'd known she needed it before her fucking, but now that she was going to get it her stomach was fluttering and her muscles were twitching in apprehension as he laid one huge hand across the seat of her cat suit.

‘Yes, a good old-fashioned spanking, and then …'

He didn't finish the sentence, but Melody knew what he meant and a sob escaped her lips at the thought, her bottom spanked pink before his cock was inserted between her rosy cheeks, only not up her bottom this time, but into her virgin sex. Not that he was in any hurry, fondling her cheeks through the taut material of her cat suit and applying only the occasional gentle slap to make her cheeks wobble. Suddenly her legs had been hauled wide, to show off the bulge of her pussy, every detail of her lips outlined in tight, wet, black cotton. A finger touched and he'd begun to trace the outline of her sex, setting her gasping and wriggling in helpless response. He gave a low chuckle.

‘Horny little one, aren't you? But you needn't think you're going to get away without a spanking.'

Melody shook her head, very sure she would be spanked, and hard. Again he began to caress her bottom, and to smack, only harder now, with firm, stinging slaps that made her yelp and kick her feet. She knew she'd soon be over the pain, her bottom hot and ready, but that did nothing to dilute it, nor her sense of humiliation as he spoke once more, his hand now resting across the meat of her cheeks.‘

Excerpted from Slave to the Machine by Aishling Morgan, published by Xcite Books.

Copyright (c) 2009 by Aishling Morgan.

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