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Annie Parisse Floats Across “The Pacific” And Into Our Hearts


Gratuitous nudity and a heartfelt post-coital exchange? Amazing. Next, you'll tell us the Japanese already surrendered. They have?! We'd like to arbitrarily thank Annie Parisse's breasts for making all this possible.

Oh sure, we could thank our fighting boys for shipping out there and stirring up trouble, but that's essentially thanking the middlemen. Obviously they were all fighting for something, and (at least) one of them was doing it for Annie Parisse's lean loveliness. Think about it. (And on a personal note: Annie Parisse was Alexandria Borgia on "Law & Order", and we've been waiting for this moment for years.)

· "The Pacific" (hbo.com)
· Annie Parisse (Law & Order) | The Pacific PtVIII hdtv720p (deepatseacelebrities.blogspot.com)

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