In this economy, where talented freelancers must fight each other for scraps of work, one young woman has found a way to rise above the competition. Meet Sarah White, the naked consultant.
What will Sarah do for you? Why, she'll build a website, offer therapy, or even provide you with the tutoring you so desperately need. How will she do it? As you may have guessed from her title, she'll offer those services naked (as long as you're willing to pay her price). Here's how it works:
Consultations are done via live streaming video where we text chat with each other. During this consultation session you will be able to view me text chatting with you via my live web cam. You have three options for how I present myself during this consultation: 1) in a bra, 2) topless, or 3) fully naked. At my discretion we may after a few sessions move to voice chat. While these live cam consultation sessions are "professional," I enjoy having fun while I work and have been known to talk sexy, nibble on strawberries and whipping cream, sip my ice coffee from straw, and occasionally do a little dance. In other words, there's no such thing as "all work and no play" with me.
Hmm, come to think of it...Fleshbot really could use a makeover. And don't we have some geometry exam we were supposed to take fifteen years ago that we really need help with? Yeah, we'd better give Sarah a call (and so should you—we saw your last report card).
· Sarah White Consulting (, via