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True Sex Stories: Seattle Three


True Sex Stories: Seattle ThreeReconnecting with an old college friend...and her husband, too.

Sinking into the leather seat in business class, I stretch my legs and think about old friendships as I wing my way to Seattle. Certainly one of my favorite cities, I enjoy several business trips to Seattle each year. Beginning to relax, I don my headset and look to my iPod to decide on a podcast to settle into for the remainder of the trip.

My thoughts shift to Isabelle, a good friend from high school then college, and the times we shared. Though never truly a romantic relationship, we had a very close friendship that produced palpable sexual tension at times. On occasion, whether too much red wine or just the moment, we had shared our affection; limiting our contact to passionate kisses and warm embrace. As though an auto-stop function existed in our psyche, we never took our relationship any further.

I was once again visiting Isabelle's new ‘hometown'. We kept in touch, via emails and the odd phone call, to update each other on careers, romance and our families. Izzy had moved to Seattle the summer after we graduated to explore opportunities that would allow her to showcase her incredible talent as a software developer. She experienced success early and carved out an incredible career that offered little time for anything else. As it happens, a number of my consulting business clients were in the Seattle area and I would make the trip west several times a year. Our schedules rarely allowed us the opportunity to connect while I was in Seattle and this was a disappointment for both of us.

Izzy met a great guy the third year she was in Seattle. He is a firefighter and the uniqueness of their professional schedules worked for them. They have been married for two and a half years and things were working. Wish I could say the same. Too much travel, far too many deadlines and an unparalleled focus on my business had resulted in a few brief relationships. They did not last long and I was fortunate not to experience a stormy end. The end would come when we inevitably realize that my priorities were not the base elements that built a good foundation for a sustainable relationship.

This trip was going to be different. Izzy insisted that I extend my trip and join her and Simon for the weekend. She had been more insistent than I had experienced previously and I thought it time to make that commitment. I had met Simon shortly before they married and the last time I saw them together was at their wedding at the Jardin del Sol in Snohomish. I looked forward to catching up with Izzy and really getting to know Simon. Besides, Izzy had acquired a real nose for the Oregon area Pinot Noir so there could be no down side to a visit with my old friend.

It was Friday afternoon and I was finishing up contact notes from the past two days of meetings when Izzy walked into my hotel lobby bar. I immediately suggested that she join me for a glass of wine before we departed for their home in Queen Anne Hill. Izzy sat quietly examining her glass of 2002 Beaux Freres' Pinot Noir, she seemed preoccupied with something important. As I packed my contact notes into my Tumi briefcase, I took her hand and asked her what was on her mind. She quickly brightened up and softly said that she had been thinking of our college days and seeing me really brought things into focus.

Being a little dumbfounded, I struggled with crafting a response. Is there a problem with her marriage? Infidelity, what? Izzy shared that she had always wondered why we had not explored a relationship in college. I awkwardly inquired if there were issues at home, and whether she was happy? Izzy straightened up and replied that she was indeed happy. I felt some relief as I was about to spend a weekend with this couple! Izzy closed that conversation by sharing that she had always wondered why we had not developed our relationship further and though she was happy with Simon, he and I were very different and similar at the same time. Knowing that I neither understood what she had just said and had no clue as to how to respond I simply smiled and took a long sip of my wine.

As we stood to leave I suddenly became very aware that Izzy had continued to maintain her striking figure. She had been a stand out on our school rowing team and I recall she kept a commitment to maintaining that elite level after college. Her arms were strong yet feminine, and her skin was a radiant and healthy bronze. She did not seem to age even with the incredible demands of her job and her smile maintained the ability to light up the room. With her amber hair drawn back into a functional pony tail, her beauty struck me as it first did when we met in high school. I became acutely aware of how I appeared to Izzy and wondered if I had aged in her eyes?
Izzy drove a rich blue Mercedes SL 550 and it was a glorious day to have the top down. We did not talk a great deal as she maneuvered her charge through heavy afternoon traffic. I enjoyed the quiet time to review the week in my mind so that I could register my ‘to do list' and clear my head so that I could fully enjoy the weekend with Izzy and Simon.

As we pulled into the driveway of her home, Izzy shared that Simon was working that evening and would be home in the morning after his shift with the SFD water rescue unit. I lugged my briefcase and bag out of the car and Izzy suggested we use the elevator as my room was on the third floor. They lived in a fabulous multi-level home with an incredible view of Seattle's downtown. As I unpacked my travel bag, I was immediately attracted to the view of their expansive backyard, which was accented by a very private hot tub enclosure and extensive gardens. I wondered how Izzy had the time to tend such a large garden area and quickly became convinced that they may employ professional assistance with this piece.

As I entered the huge kitchen on main floor of the house I recalled how Izzy loved to cook. I noticed that Izzy had changed into shorts and a t-shirt from our alma mater. Again, I was taken by her stunning figure. Her ass was nearly perfect and as she turned to offer me a glass of wine I took in a direct view of her ample breasts, which were emphasized by the tight t-shirt that she was wearing. I readily accepted the wine and followed Izzy into the adjacent room. The room was framed by windows, offering an incredible view of the city. Izzy turned on the stereo and settled into an oversized coach glass of wine in hand.

I picked a spot on the floor to park myself and raised my glass, toasting old friendships, an opportunity to re-acquaint and a glorious set of tits! That was the kind of relationship that we had; very frank and open and, you might say, quite direct. Izzy laughed, said thank you and sipped her wine. She shared that she had made personal fitness a life long commitment and I could easily tell that it was working for her.

As we discussed dinner plans, Izzy asked if there was anything new on the relationship front for me. I shared that I had nothing to report of significance. She sat back, pondering my response for quite some time. Shifting forward, Izzy asked why there was no one significant in my life. I shared that I was very focused on my business interests and that this had been taking a great deal of my time. We drifted off into a conversation about our work, our interests and projects we were considering. Izzy was clearly engrossed with her work and had carved out a successful and very lucrative career. She shared that she jokingly suggested to Simon that he really did not need to work anymore and that he could pursue other interests. Not surprisingly, Simon expressed that his job was a very real source of passion for him and that he could not see giving up his career at this time.

We decided to order dinner in so that we could get caught up properly. Izzy, being the take charge kind of gal that she is, organized a feast from her favorite sushi restaurant. We reminisced about people, events and then turned to the present and future plans. Izzy was passionate about her career and her desire to make a meaningful contribution to programs that would offer assistance to women in need in the greater Seattle area. She had been the lead on a software project for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and she had got bitten by the social/community activist bug and was keen to put her own dent in the universe.

The conversation continued to range, and the wine flowed, as we brought each other completely up to present day. I could feel the wine and it had the effect of providing a sense of comfort and relaxed state of self that had evaded me for some time. By this time, Izzy was also on the floor facing me with her legs spread as we laughed and regaled each other with old conquests and fond moments. She knew that I had always appreciated her body and her selection of body placement and her choice of shorts and t-shirt reinforced that again for me. Izzy cocked her head and unexpectedly asked why we had never taken the opportunity to explore each other in a more meaningful. Whether as a result of too much wine or feeling to familiar I responded that I had always wanted to bury my face deep into her box. With no time to recover or retract, I looked at Izzy and was met by an impish smile, followed with her laughter. She replied that she had heard from a couple of old flames that I was skilled in this area and had wondered what that would be like. She shared that Simon was less enthralled by foreplay but still quite capable in the sack.

It was quite late and the thought of opening another bottle of wine was not appealing to either of us as we had planned to tour the town the next day as we had discussed over dinner. I shooed Izzy off to bed indicating that I would take care of clean up. As I lined up what where clearly too many empty bottles of win for two people, I felt the presence of someone in the kitchen with me. Not knowing if it was the wine or paranoia, I turned around to see Izzy standing before me in a beautiful crimson red silk robe. She started to say that she was so happy that I agreed to spend the weekend with them and that we had this private time to catch up. I agreed and took in her figure wrapped in silk. I could feel my cock getting hard and only hoped that it would not progress to the point were it would be awkwardly noticeable to her. Izzy deftly grabbed my belted waist and pulled me into her. I felt her firm breasts against my chest and enjoyed the fact that her nipples were erect. She brushed my sex lightly with her thigh and this sent a wave of excitement through me. She kissed me forcefully and I felt her tongue lightly flick against my lips. She pulled me firmly into her and she kissed my neck, whispering that she had always regretted that we had not fucked. I was dumbfounded and as she pulled away she gently patted my hard cock with her open palm, winked and said that maybe the three of us would have an opportunity to play that weekend.

Lying naked on my bed, fully erect I wondered what the hell had just happened. My head was spinning, whether from the wine or the embrace I am not certain, but I could not get the thought out of my head. I stood and headed for the door, I wanted Izzy so bad. I pictured what her breasts were like and debated whether she shaved her pussy. As I slowly opened the door I experienced a rush of self-discipline. I closed the door and sat on the edge of my bed, willing my hard on to dissipate and trying to put what had happened into perspective.

Clearly I was more in control of my desires than I thought as I crawled under the covers and tried to think about anything other than the image of Izzy on her keens with my cock in her mouth. I had a fitful sleep and dreams that could only be described as pornographic.

I arose to a slight fuzziness and very dry mouth. I had anticipated that I would feel much worse, but three bottles of water in the early morning hours helped to stifle the full rage of a hang over. It was 9:30 and I immediately felt guilty; I never slept that late and I had hoped that I had not held up my hosts. Throwing on sweats and a t-shirt, I padded into the kitchen hoping that there might be coffee available. Simon was reading the paper in the breakfast nook and offered a warm hello. He quickly offered coffee as he gestured towards the empty wine bottles, suggesting that I might need a caffeine charge. I smiled and he poured. As I carefully held the mug with both hands and took the first appreciative sip, Simon reported that he had met Izzy at the door at 6:30 that morning as he was coming in from his shift and she was heading off to the rowing club. I was amazed by her will and silently applauded her commitment to fitness. I felt no reason to rise so early after a robust night with the grape. Simon finished his coffee, directed me to where I could find breakfast supplies and bid his farewell as he made his way for a snooze. He shared that they had experienced a very busy shift and he needed to get some rest. As he turned to leave he said that he was looking forward to this evening. I said I was as well and shared that Izzy and I planned to do the tourist thing while he slept. Simon smiled and said that sounded like fun and with a twinkle in his eye he shared that he looked forward to what Izzy had planned for the three of us later in the day.

I finished my coffee and not feeling like breakfast, hastened to the shower to clear the fogginess that had settled in my brain. I took a long, hot shower and finished it of with a burst of cold water to arouse my senses. As I was toweling off, I again felt the presence of someone else. I pulled the towel from my face to see Izzy standing in the doorway of the bathroom. She was clearly surveying my physique and I suddenly felt awkward. She commented that I had kept myself in shape and as she handed me another towel she shared that she now had another reason to look forward to the day. She breezed out of the room before I could ask what she meant and I caught a reflection of my confused state in the mirror.

Izzy called out that she was ready to hit the town if I was game. She had a great day planned including some shopping. I quickly said that was not part of the game plan that we had scripted the previous night and she corrected me. It seems that I had consented to help her pick out some sexy fashion items as Simon was not comfortable with that activity. I readily agreed to that assignment and we headed off to her favorite shop. We spent an agonizing hour reviewing items. Agonizing because she looked great in everything and I had an erection after her first tour down the improvised catwalk. She finally settled on a sexy panty and top combination that would simply be a shame to ever cover up.

As we cruised back to her residence, Izzy placed her hand on my leg and asked if I had enjoyed the previous night. I quickly replied that I had indeed. She looked at me and softly replied that if I had enjoyed last night then I would really enjoy what she had planned for the three of us tonight. I could not contain myself further and turned to Izzy and asked what that meant. I referenced her comment last night, what Simon had said that morning and the statement she had finished just now. Looking straight ahead, Izzy said that tonight she was going to fuck me and her husband was already invited to join in. She had shared with Simon this desire and he had given her his blessing, but he was not sure how he felt about joining. Clearly he did not see me as a threat. I sunk a little deeper into my seat as I was pillared between a sense of excitement and bewilderment. One thing was for sure, it would be an interesting night!

We arrived home late afternoon and I excused myself as I needed to check messages and grab a shower if time permitted. Simon was in the kitchen and seemed to be engrossed in meal preparations. Izzy was headed to their bedroom with the fruits of her shopping when she turned and said that she might even have enough time to relax, and shared that she loved being able to have an opportunity to play with her toys. She winked, blew me a kiss and scampered off to her room.

As I checked my messages I played the past two days back in my mind. Was I hearing correctly? Was I misinterpreting the message, was there even a message to be interpreted? No, no, it was clear what she said, but is that what she meant? I needed a shower to clear my head. After my shower I settled back onto my bed to again reflect on our relationship and what had transpired. I was keenly aware that she was talking about intimacy with both her and Simon. I had experienced my share of partners and had even partaken in threesomes in the past. The difference was that this was Izzy. Not only was it Izzy but it was Izzy and her husband!

I had drifted off and awoke to the sound of my phone receiving a text message. I checked the message and it was from Izzy. The message: Time to fuck your brains out! I pulled on my pants and a fresh shirt, checking my hair in the mirror as I left my room. What the hell was I in for tonight?

As I entered the sitting area off the kitchen I saw Izzy. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had on a form fitting pair of linen capri pants and a nearly sheer top. I had never seen her look this fine and felt the stirring in my groin.

Simon entered the room with three glasses and a decanter containing red wine. Simon offered us both a glass of wine and we sat to down to enjoy the wine and the company. We talked at length and I enjoyed learning more about Simon. Simon heralds from a long line of Seattle firefighters, it was clearly a family tradition and he is very passionate about his career. He is an ardent rugby enthusiast and he clearly had the right frame for the game.

Simon had brought out a tray of appetizers shortly after the first bottle of wine. We had drained three bottles when Simon announced that he was going to prepare the barbecue. Izzy took my hand and softly shared that she was looking forward to having my tongue pleasure her pussy. As she left the room to help Simon, my cock felt like it would burst through my zipper. I busied myself looking at their CD selection and tried to quell my longing for her wet pussy by thinking about a client, to no avail!

We enjoyed an incredible dinner of seafood, mushroom risotto, fresh asparagus and the best Caesar salad I have ever tasted. We lingered over dinner, enjoying stories new and old and promising to spend more time together in the future. I was helping Simon with the dishes when Izzy announced that it was a perfect night for a hot tub. She scampered off to change as Simon and I finished off our chores. Simon asked me if I was enjoying the visit. I shared that it was great catching up with Izzy, seeing her Seattle and finally getting a chance to become more familiar with Simon. He said that Izzy had big plans for us tonight. Trying to seem naïve, I asked what he meant. Simon smiled and said that he loved his wife and wanted her to be happy. He shared that Izzy had always desired two things: an opportunity to be intimate with me and a threesome with two men. How the hell do you respond to that? Simon put his hand on my shoulder and said that it would be a great idea if I went down to the hot tub enclosure. No need for a suit as the hot tub area was completely private from all angles except the upper floors of the house. Simon said he would carry on cleaning and that he knew that Izzy needed my help with something, and the sooner the better.

I descended the stairs to the lower level and I could see Izzy through the sliding glass window. She had drawn her hair up in a pony tail and was submerged in the water, enjoying a glass of wine. Somewhat self aware, I removed my clothes and padded out to the hot tub. Thankfully, the earlier state of arousal had subsided. I climbed into the tub directly across from Izzy. From the corner of my eye I could see that Simon was looking on with interest from the second level. Not sure if this made me uncomfortable or would serve to be a turn on, I struck up an innocent conversation on how good the dinner was and how great it was to share their company.

Izzy put her wine down and looked deeply into my eyes. She said that she was so turned on that she was almost experiencing an orgasm without physical touch. I told her she looked incredible and with that she stood up and sat on the edge of the hot tub. Her body was marvelous. Her breasts were firm and large. Her pussy was naked except a small trace of vertical auburn. She cooed that she wanted me to pleasure her. I resisted, asking how Simon would feel. Izzy tipped her head towards the window where he was standing and said he was as excited about it as she was. She held out her hand and I grasped it with out delay. She pulled me towards her and our lips met. It was an electrifying kiss and the rest of the world seemed to disappear. I encircled her with my left arm as I explored her breasts with my right hand. She softly moaned when I squeezed her nipples. I continued to kiss her neck working my way down to her fabulous breasts. I took a nipple into my mouth and flicked with my tongue. She grasped my hair with her right hand and pulled my head back, exposing my neck. Izzy kissed my neck and then said that it was time for me to eat her pussy.

As she undid her pony tail I positioned her carefully on the edge of the hot tub. With my hands on her hips, I gently kissed her inner thighs and abdomen. She moaned and I could feel the excitement that she was experiencing. Izzy parted her legs and I could see her pink lips. I softly blew on her sex and she again grasped my hair. I kissed her thighs and began to stimulate her clit. This seemed to send an electrical charge through Izzy, she moaned loudly threw her head back and thrust her pussy towards me. I continued to stimulate her with my thumb and kiss her pussy. I flicked my tongue along her lips in a slow cadence. She moaned and pulled my face closer to her sex. I increased the stimulation of her clit and the action of my tongue and this was met with obvious approval. I replaced my thumb with my tongue and focused on her sex button. She was now grasping my head with both hands and bucking her hips forward into me as she moaned loudly. Make me come, make me come… I encircled her waist with my right arm so as not to be displaced by her active thrusts. My right thumb was busy stimulating Izzy's fundament. I continued to dominate her clit; her pussy was soaked and it was like sweet nectar. Izzy was bucking furiously. I could see her nipples were erect and her long auburn hair was cascading down her shoulders as she rolled her head back. I drove furiously ahead and Izzy tipped over the edge into a climax. She experienced multiple orgasms, pulling my tongue deep into her wet sex with each wave. I slowly worked a finger into her fundament and this was the perfect catalyst as she experienced even greater waves of pleasure.

Izzy seemed to melt into the hot tub and it was fortunate that I was there to receive her. I pulled her close to me and kissed her softly, tracing her lower lip with my tongue. I kissed her neck and her ear lobes. She purred and softly said your that it was now my turn. She took me by the hand and led me into the house.

I had completely forgotten about Simon and suddenly wondered if he was in the room and if he was indeed okay with what had taken place. Izzy, ever the leader, firmly pushed me onto and against the arm of the sectional. She kneeled on the cushion between my legs and rocked forward to kiss me. She began to move down my body, kissing my chest and my stomach and then moved slowly up towards my lips. She kissed me passionately and said that she was about to suck my cock if that was okay. Not waiting for a yes, Izzy kissed my neck, chest and stomach. She brushed the back of her hand against my loins and with each pass my stiffening cock seemed to jump. She reached down with her right hand and cupped my balls. This brought me to a full erection and this pleased Izzy. She softly blew on the head of my cock and I moaned with pleasured. She took her ample, firm breasts and glided my cock between them. She slowly fucked my cock with her incredible tits and her smile was a huge turn on. Slowly, Izzy moistened her right thumb as she cupped my balls with her other hand. She circled the tip of my sex with her thumb; slowly to begin with and then quickly as she moved her left hadn to begin to pumping my shaft. I sunk deeper into the sectional and closed my eyes as Izzy treated me to an incredible blow job.

As I opened my eyes I could see Simon standing naked, his left hand was stroking his very thick cock while he stimulated Izzy's pussy with two fingers of his right hand. Izzy was running her tongue along the shaft of my cock and I could clearly see that Simon was fully extended and ready for action. He glided carefully behind Izzy and was preparing to take her when she removed her mouth from my engorged tool and softly directed Simon to fuck her in the ass. Simon lubed his thick cock with Izzy's flowing nectar and slowly introduced his cock to her ass; Izzy's eyes sparkled and she softly moaned as she accepted Simon's hard cock. Simon fucked Izzy slowly and she gently rocked forward with my cock in her mouth. As Simon began to pound her ass, Izzy took nearly the length of my cock into her mouth and throat, and slowly repeated the movement again and again.

I was feeling as though I would explode when Simon began to furiously pound Izzy doggy-style. She could no longer maintain her position as he rocked her vigorously back and forth. She slowly stroked my cock and I could clearly see that my hosts were reaching an orgasm. I watched as Simon thrust as deep and fast as he could. Izzy met every thrust, running her tongue along her lips and reaching back with one hand to stimulate her clit. Simon exploded into Izzy and she moaned as she reached her own cascading climax. As Simon continued to thrust he shuddered with pleasure. Izzy reached back and stimulated his balls as though to milk every last drop of cum from his thick sex.

As Simon composed himself and vacated his position behind Izzy's shapely ass, I could see that Izzy had enjoyed the experience. Not knowing the next chapter of this incredible experience, I slowly moved to stand. Izzy reacted with a direction to lie flat on the floor. She shared that she had waited to have me and that I should be prepared to be fucked hard! I lay flat on my back as Izzy straddled my hips. With her palms flat on my chest, she pushed back so that her wet pussy was over my cock. She slowly glided the lips of her pussy along the underside of my shaft. That was an incredible feeling and as I reached up to fondle her incredible tits, I could see that Izzy was over the top with excitement. I rolled her nipples between my thumb and index finger and her writhing was a clear indicator that she thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Izzy continued to masturbate me with her sex, bringing my cock to a full erection and I could feel my balls tightening. As she slowed her movement I could see that Izzy was biting her lower lip. She softly said that it was time for me to be inside her. Izzy shifted her weight to her left knee and drew her right foot from under her bottom so that she could raise herself and mount my rock hard sex. Izzy reached down and rubbed the swollen lips of her sex with my turgid head, stimulating her pearl with my cock. Slowly, Izzy raised her hips and slowly descended on my member. She was so excited that my cock slid into her sopping wet pussy with a minimum of effort. Izzy took the full length of my sex and moaned loudly as her pussy met the base of my cock. She started to ride me with a slow, deliberate pace. I could feel the mixture of Simon's cum and Izzy's nectar flowing down my balls as she rode my cock. I stimulated Izzy's clit with my thumb as she bit her lower lip and enjoyed my sex. With her head rolled back, Izzy began to ride me harder and faster; her hands were stimulating her nipples as I worked her pearl . Our bodies began to glisten and Izzy continued to fuck me harder and faster. Harder and faster she fucked me and it was all I could do to hang on to Izzy's hips. Finally, with a loud moan, Izzy proclaimed she was going to cum. I had held my load for this moment and as she threw her head back and her body quaked uncontrollably, I shot my hot cum inside her. She rode my cock for a time longer as she experienced a string of orgasms. I was completely drained. Izzy lowered herself to me and we embraced; our glistening bodies melted together and time seemed to stand still.

Eventually, Izzy raised herself off of me and stood beside me. Her broad smile mirrored mine and we looked into each others very satisfied eyes. As Izzy padded off to freshen up I could hear her call back, see what you missed in college?

Republished with permission. Want to see your true tale of lust on Fleshbot? Contact us. Photo by John B. Root.

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