I've never seen a hotter collection of girls in one dormitory. It is unbelievable. Luckily for you, they are horny as ever and probably want to claim that prize for submitting the best college sex video in the country.
That's all you will find at CollegeRules, the hottest coeds across the country, making real videos and sending them in for their chance at collecting the top prize for best submission.
This isn't even a sorority, it is simply the sexiest dorm in all the land. I'd like to meet the person that placed all of these girls in the same building, and shake their hand and say thank you very much. The beauty of real college submission tapes is simple, it's real! College life is wild and thankfully CollegeRules broadcasts it to the world for everyone's viewing pleasure. There are literally too many gorgeous college hotties to choose from. I have a simple solution...I'll take all of them.