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Kate Moss Throws Down The Naked Gauntlet


Kate Moss Throws Down The Naked GauntletOh, so Kate Middleton thinks she can just roll up on London, steal everyone's hearts, and it'll be no big deal? Aw hell naw. Kate Moss is here to say that nobody cares about long-sleeved gowns as much as they care about full-frontal nudity.

We think that's a brilliant message. This photo might be a teensy bit old, but it's never been so relevant as it is now. We think that Moss and Middleton need to settle this the old fashioned way: they don their respective gowns and wrestle in a desert of particular English origin. How about a giant treacle tart? And while they're at it, they can sell tickets and all the proceeds will go to charity. The loser of the Treacle Tart Terror (working title) has to leave town and go be obsessed over in some other city. Sounds reasonable, right?

· Via Copyranter (copyranter.blogspot.com)

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