As you may be aware, we're big fans of vulvas—all kinds of vulvas. Hairy or shorn; pink, purple, or brown; with big, meaty lips or small compact ones—as long as they're healthy, happy vulvas, we think they're totally awesome. Unfortunately, many people out there aren't exposed to the wide array of wonderful vulvas out there, and grow up thinking that there's one "right" way that a vulva should look (malarkey!).
Anyway, that is why we're so stoked to learn about I'll Show You Mine, a wonderful looking book that profiles a wide array of vulvas from a wide array of people (including at least one trans woman and some trans masculine people, too!). And, for that matter, why we're stoked that Crush Object Jiz Lee decided to join in the fun with a picture of their own vulva (above).
Hey, what can we say? We just think vulvas are awesome, period.
· I'll Show You Mine (, via Jiz Lee)