Hot on the heels of Asstagram come two more websites looking to capitalize on the sexy potential of cellphone camera apps...and, in this case, to provide something that sites like Instagram emphatically refuse to feature (yes, nipples).
In one corner, we've got Nipstagram, which--clever title aside--is really just a collection of self shot topless shots, with no Instagram-esque filtering (or even cropping to a square aspect ratio, sigh). In the other corner, we've got Nipstamatic (like Hipstamatic, get it?), which aggregates a whole host of sexy shots done in faux filter style--although, confusingly, often features shots without a hint of nipple in them.
So which should you choose? Actually, we're going to recommend that you skip both and make your way to Hipstamatic Sex, which a) seems to be where Nipstamatic scrapes a lot of its content from and b) is the most awesome of all three sites.
· Nipstamatic (
· Nipstagram (
· Hipstamatic Sex (
· Photo via Hipstamatic Sex (