No way! We were totally just talking about Heather Joy the other day when she was banging Erik Everhard, and now here she is, the marvelous mammary-flashing monarch of May, our newest jGrrl. Gosh, pornstars move so fast, don't they?
In addition to all the lovely pictures you see below, Juliland sent over a bunch of Heather Joy's quotes in order to get us acquainted with the new boss lady's sense of humor. They say she's both a Los Angeles and a Brooklyn native (Heather Joy is really a two-person Voltron) and she describes herself as "a literary elitist, self defeatist, erratic, problematic, and a terrible rhymer."
On the topic of oral sex: "Believe it or not, I prefer receiving rather than giving, perhaps because I'm lazy. I'm also not that big of a fan kissing because I feel that spit should be saved to use in more exciting places like my vagina."
You hear that? No more kissing ever.
· Enhance your Joy over at Juliland (