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A Girl’s Best Friend


Give a girl a toy and she's masturbate for a day, but teach a girl to play with an electric vibrator and she'll masturbate for her entire life. This girl would like to introduce you to her little friend. She's calls it, pleasure.

When pleasure is turned on, well, everything is all right. The sun is shining. People are smiling. Vaginas are opening wide as if to take in a spoonful of sweet ice cream, only when pleasure enters you'll melt, and like it.

Our girl and her pleasure are a wonderful sight to see. Isn't it beautiful how everything leads deeper into everything else? The female body is a treasure chest of gifts and the pussy is but one of the myriad rides offered to the adventuresome.

But first you have to exercise your right to orgasm. You can't just jump in poon first and expect to swim. That's why there are toys, sexual aids, enhancements to practice with at home. You're usually home, right? And you usually have your body with you, right? So what could be more right than getting to know it? Nothing.

But beware, action-takers. For those who venture into that pink hole may never come out, and if they do, they'll never be the same. Why even our dependable friend, pleasure, has been known to lose its way and end up pleasing our girl through a backdoor.

A Girl's Best Friend via Xtube.com

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