There are, as we all know, many different genres of porn. If you'd like to spice up your wank bank, you might fancy giving cosplay porn a try. For those not aware, cosplay (a portmanteau of 'costume play') is a popular way of paying tribute to a favourite film, game or comic character (often when attending a relevant event). Those who have worked most slavishly on their costumes' accuracy win accolades from their fellow geeks. And naturally, there are people who find it sexy.
ZIZ Entertainment recently auctioned outfits used in their cosplay porn films. This one sold for US$3498.
No word on whether they gave it a wash before handing it over.
Looking for inspiration? You can pretty much guarantee that if there's a character you like, they'll be somewhere on the internet being slutty. Here's a collection of filth to whet your appetite:
Lara Croft (Mea Lee) unwisely has a wank with her gun.
Some World of Warcraft characters get up to no good.
This Avatar parody shows us the Na'vi apparently don't have blue junk.
I've always had a serious weakness for Poison Ivy, personally. Here she is about to get boned by Batman. Hope he doesn't get a rash on his knob.
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