Britney Spears Launches Lingerie Line


Remember when you wished you could own Britney Spears underwear? Stop rubbing that lucky penny because now you can! Well, you can own underwear designed by Britney Spears which is technically owning a pair of her underwear.   

The pop star and Vegas regular launched a line of sexy bras, lacy panties, and sensual nighties during this years New York’s Fashion Week. Calling it "The Intimate Britney Spears," I have to admit this collection is pretty damn erotic. Spears who is known for wearing skimpy outfits in music videos, live shows, and on reality television, has a surprisingly good eye for what is sexy. Granted I can’t help but picture Spears in each of these outfits, giving me a personal fashion show, but I bet they would also look good on other people. Guess when most of your career is selling sex appeal you pick up a trick or two.  

Once the object of every teenage boys desire, Spears is still the desire of many of those same boys who are now adults. While she may not have been modeling her own lingerie--in fact she wasn't even wearing a bra--it was still a sexy event. Now you can totally have an all Britney Spears evening with some of her new lingerie, her perfume, and her greatest hits CD.

Via: Egotastic!