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Motorized Japanese Masturbation Device Will Sync To Your Porn


The best and brightest in the sex industry gathered in Las Vegas this past week, and Japanese company Vorze stole the show with their new A10 Cyclone SA. Through the miracle of modern technology, this masturbation device will sync with anything you like from music to porn to give you a customizable experience you'll never forget. 

This was brought to our attention by the good folks over at Filmdrunk (link below), who have helpfully compared it to another one of our favorite Asian technological breakthroughs, the Chinese Sperm Extractor. After some further research though, we discovered just how terrifying this thing actually is.

It rotates around your cock and the rotation will sync to anything you choose from porno to Extreme's Pornograffiti. There are a number of things that are simply not explained anywhere on Vorze's site, however. First off, much like the Fleshlight, they refuse to say what the sleeve is made out of, leading me to draw my own conclusions...


Next, the warnings on the downloadable instructions are the stuff that nightmares are made of. Get a load of these warnings...


I don't know how I would derive any sort of pleasure from this device. It's going to be spinning maniacally on my cock and I'm going to be worried not only about whether or not I used enough lube, but if I'm holding it steadily enough to not cause irreparable harm. Next up, let's take a look at this nugget tucked away on the site...


There's so much gold in there it's almost impossible to mine it all, but I think the basic gist is that they're strategically targeting this product toward people that still live at home with one or more parent who they could potentially wake up with all the noise generated by, say, an Autoblow 2

Finally, here's a helpful video that shows you how to assemble your device when you receive it. The only problem is that they assemble it out of frame. Nice work everyone. 

Via Filmdrunk

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