In my weekly column Only in Florida, I'll be taking you down to the Sunshine State for the latest and greatest sex stories that can only be found in the craziest state in the union.
Extend a warm how-do-you-do to 18-year old Oscar Gil...
Oscar here was browsing the vibrator selection at a Vero Beach Spencer's Gifts recently when he aroused the suspicions of the store manager, who saw Oscar take a thirteen dollar vibrator out of the packaging and pocket it.
As the store’s manager looked on, Gil hid the empty vibrator packaging behind some other merchadise and headed for the exit.
But when Gil and his galpal sought to leave the Vero Beach business, they were confronted by the manager and escorted back into the gift shop to wait the arrival of police.
During questioning, Gil told a cop that he entered the store with a “female friend” and swiped the sex toy “when she told him she wanted it.” The teenager added that there was no reason to take the item, adding that he was “stupid.”
It's not every day that a young man like Oscar can come to such a realization so quickly. I think his admission is downright heroic under the circumstances, and I wish him the best as he moves forward in life. If only more shoplifting teens could see the light the way Oscar did. Hopefully the judge goes easy on him during his misdemeanor hearing this week, he's been through enough already.
Via The Smoking Gun