There are a lot of hard pills to swallow in this life, and discovering that sleep and work are the only two things Americans do more in a day than watch Netflix was not exactly surprising. I can also handle the fact that we spend more time in a day watching Netflix than paying attention to our children, but I simply cannot believe that we watch more Netflix in a single day than we spend time having sex in a month and a half.
Yes, you read that right. According to a new study from TDG Research, helpfully translated into layman's terms by Exstreamist (link below), the average American spends 90 minutes a day watching Netflix, and less than 2 minutes a day having sex. In the words of Jerry Seinfeld, "Who are these people?"
Okay, this might be a sensational headline but we do spend significantly more time watching Netflix than the average person does having sex. An average of 7.3 minutes per.. umm.. session– an average of about 90 times per year and we’re not even spending 2 paltry minutes per day with our special someones. Is Netflix better than sex? We’ll leave that determination up to you. But if your time spent is any indication of your preference Netflix wins hands down.
Okay, but what about those of us who have sex more than 90 times per year and for longer than 7.3 minutes? Ah, who am I kidding, 2 minutes a day is downright generous. You might be wondering what other daily activities Netflix trumps. Steel your nerves, there's quite a few...
Man, that is one depressing chart.
Via Exstreamist