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Britney Spears’ Broken Zipper Makes For One Hell Of A Show


Britney Knows The Show Must Go On

While the history of the phrase “the show must go on” is kind of up in the air, all true performers live by its code. No one should be surprised that Britney Spears is a true performer because even with a broken zipper, she’s not going to stop, her show will go on.  

Now, I have to admit I don’t know why Britney even concerned herself with a broken zipper because I highly, highly doubt her outfit would have fallen off. It’s pretty skintight and mostly see through so, it’s not like we are seeing something new. I’m not trying to take anything away from Britney’s sexy back, if you are into backs then you will enjoy this video, feel free to watch over and over again. Of course the one thing I can’t figure out is, did the zipper get stuck on something? Or did it just decide that Britney’s sexy body could no longer be hidden (and I use the term hidden very loosely) by clothing. Whatever the case, I applaud the audience member that was there with their camera rolling.  

Britney Spears really does put one hell of a show and she’s going to make sure that she gives her something to remember. Maybe she should work her zipper breaking into her show so everyone can get to enjoy this wonderful experience.  

For more sexy pics and videos of Britney Spears, head over to Mr. Skin.

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