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Amber Heard Makes “Granny Panties” Super Hot


Amber Heard Makes Any Style of Panties Hot

The term “granny panties” is typically reserved for the old, high-waisted, kind and generally don’t look attractive in any way, shape, or form. I have no idea if Amber Heard’s high-waist panties are old, but damn it, they look pretty attractive to me.  

Sure, Amber Heard is hot enough to make any style of panties look quite amazing. It might have something to do with her beautiful face, her slender figure, or the fact she doesn’t have a shirt on, but Amber Heard knows how to make some high-waisted panties sexier than the laciest, thinnest thong. Not saying Amber Heard wouldn’t look amazing in a thong—just noting she also looks sexy in what most would consider “granny panties.” And if you aren’t into high-waisted panties, then surely you’ll like Amber Heard in a one-piece lingerie ensemble (it could be a bathing suit, I honestly have no idea). Showing just the slightest amount of cleavage, Amber Heard is reminding us of her simple beauty.  

When it comes down to it, Amber Heard is one of the most beautiful women around. Doesn’t matter what she’s wearing (or not wearing)—her beauty will always shine through. Thank goodness Amber Heard doesn’t mind showing off that beauty.  


For more nude pics and videos of Amber Heard, head over to Mr. Skin.

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