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Kara Del Toro’s Underboob Overachieves


Sometimes I think about the greatest inventions of the modern world. The cellphone, the television, space travel, and yet as awe-inspiring as those things are, they simply don't come close to the invention of the underboob shirt. Thanks to the person who invented that, we are treated to the sight of Kara Del Toro's underboobs. 

I don't know who this genius was, the person who first grabbed a pair of scissors and began to cut away at a shirt until they came to that perfect length and created the single greatest invention of the 20th century (please note, I'm not a fashion historian so I don't know for sure if it came out in the 20th century, but it sounds good to me). Honestly, I don't want to imagine a world in which we don't get to see Kara Del Toro's underboob. Just thinking that sent a deadly chill up my spine. Though, the only comfort I have is that if the underboob shirt hadn't been invented yet someone would have discovered it thanks to Kara Del Toro and her fantastic underboob. Don't ask me how - they just would have known.

Hats off to you good sir or madam, your gift to mankind is something we will always cherish. For seeing your work on Kara Del Toro brings a tear to our eye, a warmness to our chest, and great comfort to our souls.

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